

draws fascinating, immersive digital art visuals while your favourite music is playing


Personal edition now available!


* helps regulating anxiety and distress

** may cause psychedelic effects

DOWNLOAD NOW Shows the arrow down


Download and use the latest and greatest version now - for free!

MilkyMilky is currently in beta. To remove the security warnings, I need to pay license fees - please consider funding me.

* unfortunately, macOS doesn't allow for desktop audio capture. You either need to record via microphone or install LOOPBACK.

MilkyMilky Personal

Just enjoy the immersion, relax and feel good - for free!

MilkyMilky supports psychedelic states of mind, causes alpha waves and can help regulating anxiety & acute distress.

  • Choose your Sound

    Visualize any Sound Source!

    You play the tunes – MilkyMilky creates digital art to what you tune in. No matter if you use Spotify or any other music player: You can even visualize your voice or beatbox right into your mic.

  • Control the Flow

    Use the arrow keys!

    Next-level artistic flow control: MilkyMilky fades one artwork into another, so the listener always goes with the flow.

    ⬅️ ➡️ – Prev/Next artwork preset
    ⬆️ – Random preset

    ...and key commands make it easy to use!

  • Just Enjoy

    Relax or dance to the beat!

    MilkyMilky comes with many artwork presets that perfectly match any genre and style of music.

MilkyMilky News